Nursing Faculty Handbook

Policy Category
Nursing Faculty Handbook

Welcome to College of Eastern Idaho Nursing Programs! We are pleased that you have chosen to work with us. Please do not hesitate to ask questions and seek assistance from the director and nursing program staff. We are very fortunate to have an outstanding and dedicated faculty as we continue to educate the future generation of nurses. Your expertise is needed as we move forward to achieve our vision. With your continued assistance, the realm of possibilities will be everlasting. Thank you for your dedication and hard work in making the College of Eastern Idaho Nursing programs some of the best in the State of Idaho.

The Department of Nursing Faculty Handbook contains policies, procedures and communications that are specific to the Department of Nursing.

The College of Eastern Idaho Nursing Program Faculty Handbook has been prepared as a guide for the faculty to assist in the consistent interpretation of the policies of the program. It is intended to help Nursing Faculty meet their responsibilities. This handbook is updated annually to provide current resources for existing nursing faculty when policies and practices change. New faculty will be assigned a mentor and/or lead faculty as a resource for the variety of questions and concerns that arise that are not addressed in this handbook. New faculty will also be referred to the online nursing student handbook for specific policies and procedures.