Policy 205: Workplace Attire

Policy Category
Covered Individuals
All CEI Employees
Formerly Approved
Policy File

205.1 Policy

The College of Eastern Idaho administration expects employees to project a professional image to students, parents, business associates, and the general public. Workplace attire must be neat, clean, and appropriate for the work being performed and for the setting in which the work is performed. Uniforms may be required for select positions. Dress and hygiene standards are intended to enhance the image CEI exhibits for the community it serves. As representatives of CEI, employees are encouraged to utilize this policy as a guideline and to use their best judgment according to environmental circumstances.

205.2 Guidelines

Monday - Thursday

CEI dress code is smart casual business attire unless circumstances require greater or lesser formality.

Smart casual business attire combines professional and relaxed elements, allowing for the incorporation of high-quality denim pieces into the outfit while maintaining a polished appearance suitable for the workplace or business environment. It typically includes well-fitted denim jeans or skirts paired with tailored tops, blouses, or shirts, along with appropriate footwear such as dress shoes or tasteful sneakers. Grooming and overall presentation should remain neat and professional.

Name tags/badges help community college employees stand out, fostering student and community member trust by clearly identifying reliable sources of assistance. Thus, CEI employees should wear and appropriately display nametags or other CEI identifiers while working.

Dress Down Days

CEI observes dress down days on Fridays and throughout the academic Christmas, spring, and summer breaks. Dress down days are designed to cultivate and nurture a spirit of teamwork and unity among faculty, staff, and students.

During Dress Down Days, CEI employees may wear more casual shirts with the CEI logo and/or CEI colors. Participation in dress down days is never required, and employees should always fit within the standards of dignity for this business and educational setting.

205.3 Policy Enforcement

Supervisors receive training to consistently and constructively address possible dress code violations. Supervisors are charged to proactively educate their employees on CEI’s expectations for professional attire. 

If a supervisor deems that an employee’s apparel or hygiene is in violation of this policy, the supervisor will meet with the employee in private, provide guidance, and provide allowance to make the necessary change. Subsequent occurrences are subject to the discipline procedures described in Policy 107: Disciplinary Actions.

This policy aims to enhance our positive workplace culture and ensure professionalism. To that end, CEI is providing a list of clothing items that should be avoided or discussed with your supervisor prior to wearing them to work.

  • Flip-flops
  • Spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, halter tops
  • Leggings, when worn as pants
  • Tight, see-through, backless, or low-cut tops
  • Athletic wear including sweat pants or yoga pants
  • Clothing that is ripped, frayed, stained, or messy
  • Baseball caps
  • Any clothing with words, terms, or pictures that advertises other companies and/or products
  • Any visible undergarments

This list is suggestive, not comprehensive. CEI relies on its employees’ judgment and professionalism. It is provided to empower employees with clear expectations to prevent potential issues.

205.3 Exception to Policy

An exception to this policy may be made on a case-by-case basis for employees under the American with Disabilities Act or those with a medical condition which requires certain apparel. To receive an exception, employees must provide HR with a request for accommodation from an appropriate healthcare provider.