Requirements for professional licensure in fields such as health care and other fields vary from state to state. If you live outside Idaho and are considering enrolling in a College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) program that leads to a professional license, we highly recommended that you contact the appropriate state licensing agency in your state or the state where you intend to work to seek the most up-to-date information about state licensure requirements before beginning the program. College of Eastern Idaho makes every effort to ensure licensure information is current; however, licensure regulations are frequently revised.

In compliance with the U.S. Department of Education CEI provides information pertaining to professional licensure and certification in correlation with programs offered through CEI.

The following is recommended Before beginning a program if you are considering an CEI program that leads to professional licensure with the intent to be licensed outside of the state of Idaho:

  • Review the licensing information provided for the applicable program(s) below
  • Contact the appropriate licensing agency in the U.S. states and territories where licensure is intended. This will enable you to obtain the most up-to-date information about licensure requirements and confirm how an CEI program facilitates those requirements.

Additionally, while progressing through any of these programs, we recommended that you check licensing agency requirements regularly to monitor whether they have changed in a manner that impacts your licensure plans.

To learn more, please review the licensure information provided for the program of interest:

Health Care

Business and Technology

Skilled Trades Apprenticeships

For additional assistance pertaining to CEI authorization and compliance, please contact the CEI Office of Online Learning.
