Your success is our priority.
Colleges thrive or fold on the ability to create eager learners and inspire new knowledge. Our task is straightforward, but learners are diverse and complex. A multifaceted support network creates as many opportunities for success as possible.

Academic Support
Learning resources to help you succeed.

Do you need to order textbooks? Go to the CEI Bookstore and pick up some awesome logo gear or school supplies while you are there!

Need a little pick-me-up to make it through your day? Visit the Falcon Café for a quick snack or delicious meal!
Building 3 Room 300

Campus Security
Providing support and safety for the Falcon Family

Falcon Quill
See the creative expressions of CEI Falcons in our campus magazine.

Learn more about graduation eligibility, order regalia, and find out about commencement!

Whether you need a quiet place to study or help with research, the library is the place to go.

Personal Support
Create a healthy work/life balance with wellness and student support.

Student Life
Learn more about what special offers we have for our students; community activities, deals to save money, and more.

Work Study
Get real life experience while you are still in school. Students can work between 10-19 hours per week.