
Scholarships are awarded based on criteria set by the donor or sponsoring organization. Students need to ensure they understand the terms and requirements of maintaining eligibility for that scholarship. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all conditions that are set forth by the sponsor for continuing eligibility. The scholarship could be discontinued if a student does not meet the eligibility requirements; common criteria include a minimum GPA or a specific course of study.

The student must notify the Financial Aid Office and the CEI Foundation Office of any external scholarship they may receive. The student must provide proof of their scholarship to have those funds applied to their account. Students that receive scholarship awards after the current semester’s fee deadline should consult the Financial Aid Office to avoid late fees or being dropped from classes.

Please notify the Financial Aid Office of any changes you make to your schedule so your award will adjust promptly.

CEI Foundation Scholarships

CEI Foundation Scholarships

Scholarships are made available to CEI students and prospective students through the CEI Foundation. Recipients of a CEI Foundation Scholarship must be enrolled in at least one (1) credit hour to receive their funds. CEI Foundation scholarship awards will not exceed the cost of tuition, fees, or books and may not be paid out to the student. For additional requirements and information on how to apply, check the links below:

State Scholarships

State Scholarships

The Idaho Board of Education offers many scholarship options to Idaho high school graduates who attend in-state institutions. Please visit the Idaho State Board of Education website for more information regarding state funding.

External Scholarships

External Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded based on criteria set by the donor or sponsoring organization. Students should make sure they understand the terms and requirements of maintaining their eligibility for that scholarship. It is the student’s responsibility to complete any and/or all requirements that are set forth by the sponsor for continuing eligibility. If a student does not continue to meet the eligibility requirements, like a minimum GPA or a specific course of study, the student's scholarship could be discontinued. Students are encouraged to contact their scholarship sponsors with further questions.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office and/or the CEI Foundation Office of any external scholarship you may receive. The student must provide proof of their scholarship in order to have those funds applied to their account. Students that receive scholarship awards after the current semester’s fee deadline should consult the Financial Aid Office to avoid late fees or being dropped from classes.

Please notify the Financial Aid Office of any changes you make to your schedule so your award will adjust accordingly in a timely manner. 
