Goals & Plans
CEI utilizes a flexible furthering framework rather than a static strategic plan. The Framework is designed to:
- Keep CEI agile, innovative, and responsive to market pressure while ensuring that change is data-driven, research-based, and measurable.
- Shows what data we collect and why we analyze it
- Show how data is communicated across the entire campus so that successes can be replicated and celebrated.
- Encourage each department to scan and respond to the constantly shifting environment.
- Show possible lines of administrative support so the institution can pivot to capitalize on its opportunities.
Comprehensive Plan
These pages make the Framework visible. It outlines how information is created and shared across campus so our diverse campus can make new connections. With a shared Framework, each department can ask further research questions and see how those answers will fit into the greater whole. The Framework outlines consistent assessment measures and the short-term initiatives that spring from them. Ultimately, the Framework shows the collaborative strength of CEI’s participatory governance. It shows how CEI ties all our content experts into a cohesive whole capable of moving the College into our desired future.
Planning for our Future
Most buildings at CEI are over 40 years old, making them inadequate for today’s technology-based careers. CEI is the only institution in Idaho without a Career and Technical Education (CTE) building. Programs and Curriculum will include Cyber, ESTEC (Energy Systems), Nuclear Technician, Computer Network Technician, Software/Web, Radiation Safety, Agri-Tech, Engineering Technician, GIS Modeling/Virtual Reality, Machine Tool Technology/Advanced Manufacturing, Battery, and Solar.
Data Priorities
CEI’s mission is “to provide open access to affordable, quality education that meets the needs of students, regional employers, and community.” CEI strategically studies our data to ensure that access is truly open throughout a student’s whole education. It often identifies hidden obstacles that keep our students from succeeding
Institutional Research
Our institutional research team is CEI’s knowledge hub. We dive deep into data to help community members to answer key research questions. Our content experts use our data to guide important decisions, shape strategies, and evaluate programs so we can move towards our desired future.