Policy 100: President's Advisory Council and Line of Authority
Policy Category: Administration
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 11/29/2022
100.1 Purpose
The President’s Advisory Council (PAC) exists as a processing council for the president, providing input to inform strategic planning, policy and procedure decisions, and other issues as deemed appropriate and timely by the council membership. Council meetings are designed to foster a culture of communication and engagement among college leadership, promoting partnership and innovation through…
More DetailsPolicy 109: Workplace Violence Prevention
Policy Category: Personnel, Administration
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees/Students/Visitors
Approved: 02/25/2025
109.1 Policy
The College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) is dedicated to providing a safe and violence-free work environment for all employees, students, and members of the community. CEI strictly prohibits any form of violence on its campuses and properties and holds each community member responsible for…
More DetailsPolicy 115: Crisis Management Communications (Res. 17-06)
Policy Category: Administration
Covered Individuals: Faculty / Staff / Students / Volunteers
Approved: 11/29/2022
115.1 Policy
In the event of a crisis or emergency situation, it is most important to speak with a single, unified voice. In such situations, the President of the College, or the President’s designee, will handle all contacts with the media, and will coordinate the information flow between the College and the public. In such situations, all campus departments should refer calls from the media or the public to the…
More DetailsPolicy 116: Social Media Use (Board of Trustee's Resolution 17-06)
Policy Category: Administration
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 02/25/2025
116.1 Policy
The College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) recognizes and respects the free speech rights afforded to all individuals by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. We encourage our community to engage in constructive dialogue on social media while…
More DetailsPolicy 117: Public Relations
Policy Category: Administration
Covered Individuals: Faculty / Staff / Students / Volunteers
Approved: 11/09/2022
117.1 Policy
The Communications and Marketing department provides leadership for college public relations and marketing activities, serves as a liaison with the news media, oversees college advertising, produces most collegiate publications, and provides public relations and marketing advice to other departments.
Unauthorized use of the CEI logo is prohibited.
117.2 Procedures
All publications created to be…
More DetailsPolicy 118: Public Relations/Media Contact (Res. 17-06)
Policy Category: Administration
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 09/27/2022
118.1 Policy
The College is a unique and important source of news-worthy stories. The College encourages positive interaction with media outlets. However, only the President (or the President’s designee) is authorized to issue any official College communications to the media. If an employee or member of the board of directors is contacted by a member of the media about the College, they may make a limited, factual…
More DetailsPolicy 119: Adoption and Amendment of Policies and Procedures
Policy Category: Administration
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 04/28/2022
119.1 POLICY
The purpose of CEI’s Policies and Procedures Manual is to establish a safe, efficient and cooperative working environment; to establish the responsibilities and level of performance expected of all CEI employees; and to explain benefits provided to CEI employees. As new and unforeseen circumstances may arise from time to time, CEI will strive to update and create policies and procedures that keep in…
More DetailsPolicy 121: Communicable Diseases
Policy Category: Administration
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 01/03/2023
121.1 Policy
College of Eastern Idaho’s decisions involving persons who have communicable diseases shall be based on current and well-informed medical judgments concerning the disease, the risks of transmitting the illness to others, the symptoms and special circumstances of each individual who has a communicable disease, and a careful weighing of the identified risks and the available alternatives for responding to…
More DetailsPolicy 150: Department Name Change
Policy Category: Administration
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 12/05/2024
150.1 Policy
The College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) permits departments to request a name change for reasons such as marketing, curricular alignment, accreditation, or disciplinary shifts. All name changes require approval from the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) and must not disrupt operational or branding integrity…
More DetailsPolicy 215: Purchasing Card
Policy Category: Administration, Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 03/10/2025
215.1 Policy
This Purchasing Card Program is designed to establish a more efficient, cost-effective method of purchasing and paying for approved small-dollar transactions. College of Eastern Idaho purchasing cards may only be used for College business transactions and College purchases of less than $2,000…
More DetailsProcedure 908: Human Subjects Research
Policy Category: Administration
Covered Individuals: Faculty / Staff / Students / Volunteers
Approved: 03/10/2025
908.1 Purpose
College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) is committed to protecting the rights, welfare, and privacy of individuals participating in research conducted by faculty, staff, students, or external researchers. To ensure compliance with ethical standards and federal…
More Details