Campus Safety
The goal of the CEI Security Department is to create a safe and secure learning environment for staff, faculty, and students. Protection is maintained by officer patrols around campus and inside buildings, interaction with individuals on campus, and officers being available when needed. The CEI Security Department also offers vehicle jumpstarts, escorts to and from class, and assistance with building access. Officers are trained to assist with vehicle collisions and can make a report for each party involved to exchange information for their insurance.
A Message from Robert Odenthal, Director of Campus Safety

Hi, my name is Bob Odenthal, and I am the Director of Campus Safety. My goal is to create a safe environment for everyone on the CEI campus.
I have spent my time here creating a department that will drive the college's mission and support the staff, faculty, and students in their goals.
In my ten-plus years with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, I prided myself on active shooter training and emergency management. I have completed twenty-plus department active shooter trainings and assisted with lockdowns and securing a large campus due to different emergencies. I am FEMA certified in emergency management and was on the emergency response team for the college I was previously assigned to. I assisted with large event security, such as graduations with crowds of five thousand people or more, sporting events of two thousand people or more and special events around the community that has ten thousand people or more in attendance.
My background in safety and security motivates me to make a security department that is vigilant of all types of dangers around campus. That said, we must all work together to ensure our campus is safe. You can call our office if there is anything out of order, and we can get maintenance and/ or custodial to take care of the problem. If any individual on campus shows signs of aggression, depression, anger, or suicidal ideation, please call our office, and we will get help. Everyone on campus can help make CEI safer by staying vigilant and speaking up when something seems out of place. Remember, even the smallest detail is important and could mean the difference between a safe campus and an emergency.
As a department, I hope we can make each person feel safe and welcome as they come to campus. We are here to help in any way we can, so feel free to stop by our office in Building 1 or call the office when you need something. Let’s work together on making our campus a place people enjoy coming to and feel safe while they are here.
Emergency Response Handbook for Students, Employees and Visitors
Prepared by the CEI Safety and Emergency Committee, Office of the Vice President of Finance and Administration, and the Office of the Director of Facilities and Operations
-2021 Edition-
At College of Eastern Idaho, providing a safe environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors is a top priority. An important part of achieving this goal is ensuring that each person understands their role and how to respond effectively and appropriately should an emergency arise.
To support a safe learning environment and workplace, we are pleased to provide an Emergency Response Handbook, which provides a clear plan for reacting and responding effectively to a broad range of emergency, hazardous, and/or crisis situations.
Emergencies can happen at any time, and it’s our collective responsibility to be informed and prepared. Please take the time to review this handbook and familiarize yourself with the important information it contains.
Emergency Call Tree
Use this call tree in emergencies where IFPD has been called to Campus. Examples would be physical altercations, domestic violence, armed suspect, assault, battery, etc., as well as any major damage to the campus, i.e., a fire or major flood affecting an entire building or the whole campus. Call the numbers listed below in this order listed until you make contact. The first person contacted will then be responsible for completing the notification process.
1. Bob Odenthal - Director of Campus Safety
(208) 569-6308 or (661) 478-2352
2. Greg Horton – Director of Facilities and Operations
(208) 970-1320
3. Byron Miles – Vice President of Finance and Administration
(208) 241-1409
4. Lori Barber – President
(208) 709-0238
For all emergencies, call 911 and then Security at (208) 604-4597
Safety Tips
Safety is something to pay attention to. In our everyday lives, many things we routinely do leave us vulnerable to an assailant or even the elements. These are a few tips to implement in your daily routine to help make you more aware of your habits and surroundings.
Clery Act
As part of College of Eastern Idaho's (CEI's) commitment to safety and security on campus, and in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the College provides access to its safety and security annual reports for students, staff, and community stakeholders.
Create a Plan
Whether on campus or off, you should always have a plan of escape during an emergency. When you enter a room on campus, note where the exits are located and what may be in your path on your way out of the room.
Create a plan in your head for different scenarios and what you will do. Scenarios could be as simple as leaving campus during a busy time and trying to avoid traffic. They could also be an active shooter situation. These types of scenarios help you mentally prepare for the event. Once you have practiced the plans a few times in your head, you should have your steps ironed out and can help others prepare as well.
Dangers of Technology
Put your phone away, turn the music down or close the apps on the phone and pay attention to what is around you and where you are. Looking around and paying attention could prevent you from becoming a victim of a crime. Make sure you live in the moment, not on your phone or with music. Almost everyone agrees that the music takes over once we put our headphones on. Many of us are fully enveloped in social media for many hours a day- remember to stop scrolling and put it away.
These things are great entertainment but can create a barrier between us and what’s happening around us. If you are using your phone or tablet this way, make sure you take a moment to see what is happening around you and always try to maintain at least some situational awareness.
Drink Responsibly
We have often heard not to drink and drive and to drink responsibly. Most people won’t read this section because “they already know this,” but why are there so many drunk driving incidents every year if that is the case?
Be smart and call someone to get you after you’ve been drinking. Say to yourself: “it’s better than accidentally killing someone or dying myself,” or anything to remind you to make better choices. Just don’t be afraid to get a driver.
Find a Buddy
Walking around anywhere alone can leave a person vulnerable to attack. Always find a buddy to walk with. This goes for on-campus and around town. One person is easy for an attacker, but multiple people will make the attacker think twice.
While on campus, call security for an escort if you are walking to your car alone. If a class is ending, coordinate with your classmates and teacher to walk together to the parking lot. Even as a group, you can call for a security presence in the parking lot if anyone feels uneasy.
Know How to Contact Security
Any time you are on campus, we are just a phone call away; there could be any number of reasons you might need security. Knowing the phone number is important whether you need to request an escort to or from class, report a medical emergency, natural disaster, or active shooter.
Security Office: (208) 604-4597. Someone will answer around the clock and get you help. If you need to speak in person, the Security Office is located in Building 1, room 113. Officers are on campus from 6 am until 11 pm during the week and until 4 pm on the weekends.
Know the Campus
It is important that you know the whole campus. There may come a time when you have to find an office you haven’t been to before. You may need to run and hide from the situation in an emergency. Knowing the campus allows you to find a good place to keep you safe.
It is also essential to know the best-lit areas of the campus to walk in at night. This could also mean the shortest distance from your class to your car. There may be events around campus that make traveling difficult on the path you usually take. Staying up to date on campus events allows you to know the campus and what is happening on it.
Parking Safety
The parking lot of a business is an easy target for criminals. There are a few things to remember when parking your vehicle:
- Make sure all valuable items are out of sight. Don’t give a criminal a reason to break into your car.
- Always park in a well-lit area of the parking lot. Walking to a dark car is not safe for anyone and leaves you open to attack.
- Situational awareness is key. Make sure you scan the parking lot when walking to and from your vehicle. There could be someone watching vehicles waiting for a driver to make a mistake and become the next victim.
- Tell a college official if you see something out of the ordinary in the parking lot, as the school can look into the activity and report it to the police if necessary.
- Have your keys out. Make sure you are ready to get in the car when you get there. This shows someone watching that you could potentially get away from them quickly, and the keys can be used as a weapon.
- When preparing for a long trip, there are a few things to remember to help get you to your destination.
- Before heading out on the road, check your vehicle's oil level, tire pressure, wiper blade, and wiper fluid. This will make sure your car is ready for the drive.
- While on the road, make sure you have enough gas to make it to the next scheduled stop. Running out of gas is not just a delay but can be dangerous on the road.
- Pack tools to help take care of any issues you may run into.
- Always have food and drinks to keep you going during your drive.
- If you have little ones, ensure you have things to keep them entertained so you don’t have to turn the car around and go home. Have Mad Libs, a scavenger hunt card, a Blu-ray player, coloring books, and crayons handy.
- Lastly, be prepared for the weather you may hit on your trip. If your travels take you through cold climates, keep warm clothing and blankets in the car if you break down. If the trip is going to be hot, make sure you take plenty of water for everyone.
Trust Your Spidey Sense
If you feel uneasy about someone or something, don’t be afraid to leave the area and let security know. Instincts are important and should be listened to. Always remember, if you see something, say something. Call security, and tell the counselor or let someone know so the situation can be monitored.
It is always better to be safe than sorry. If you feel unsafe, communicate that with security or the nearest college official. This could change the outcome of a bad situation and help many people around you.
Security Department
Building 1 Room 115 | Available in office: 6:00am-11:00pm | On call: 24hrs