Code of Ethics
College of Eastern Idaho is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct in pursuit of its mission and goals. Accomplishing this mission demands that the members of the college community exemplify the highest level of ethical standards and behaviors. CEI has adopted a set of principles that outlines and explains expected behaviors, standards, and shared values. As an institution dedicated to teaching, scholarship, and community partnerships, employees are charged with safeguarding the integrity and reputation of the institution.
The Code of Ethics is not a substitute for the active process of ethical decision-making, but rather serves as a guide to assure individual conduct aligns with institutional values. CEI requires all employees to act in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Employees are expected to undertake their responsibilities on CEI’s behalf with diligence and professionalism and to comply with the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and fairness.
College of Eastern Idaho subscribes to the following ethical principles:
1. Fair Dealing
Members of the CEI community are expected to conduct themselves ethically, honestly, and with integrity in all dealings.
2. Individual Responsibility and Accountability
Members of the CEI community are expected to exercise responsibility appropriate to their position. Members are responsible to each other, the college, and the college’s stakeholders both for their actions and their decisions not to act. CEI employees shall bring positive, inclusive, and transparent leadership to their respective roles, encouraging active participation in making the college an institution characterized by excellence.
3. Confidentiality/Privacy and Access
CEI is the custodian of many types of information, including that which is confidential, proprietary, and private. Employees who have access to such information are expected to be familiar with and to comply with applicable laws and CEI policies, directives, and agreements pertaining to access, use, protection, and disclosure of such information. Computer security and privacy are also subject to law and CEI policy.
4. Financial/Business Practices
All college accounting and financial records, tax reports, expense reports, time sheets, and other reports or documents including those submitted to government agencies must be accurate, clear, and complete. CEI employees shall not knowingly sign, subscribe to, or permit the issuance of any statement or report which contains any misstatements or which omits any material fact.
Fiscal objectives, procedures, and constraints shall be documented and communicated to the Board of Trustees and CEI employees as requested. CEI will utilize a transparent and open format for all financial dealings. CEI employees will exercise prudence and integrity in the management of funds in their custody and in all financial transactions. CEI employees will act as responsible stewards of the public trust and effectively use the resources entrusted to them to fulfill the mission and obligations of the college.
5. Conflicts of Interest or Commitment
Members of the CEI community are expected to devote primary allegiance to the college and to the mission of teaching and public service. Offering the highest quality education and services will be the top priority. Outside professional activities, personal financial interests, or acceptance of benefits from third parties can create actual or perceived conflicts between CEI’s mission and an individual’s private interests. CEI employees are expected to make decisions that avoid impropriety or conflicts of interest and must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that arise.
6. Respect for Others
CEI is dedicated to treating every community member with respect and dignity, while valuing different perspectives and creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all.
Public employees are subject to additional scrutiny in their public and personal lives because the public's business requires the utmost integrity and care. Idaho law governs the acceptance of gifts and gratuities by public employees. CEI employees are never allowed to accept gifts or gratuities in exchange for discretionary official action in connection with contracts, purchases, payments, claims, or other pecuniary transactions from a party known to be interested in or likely to become interested in such contract, purchase, payment, claim, or pecuniary transaction. In particular, the following types of gifts and entertainment may never be accepted, regardless of the value:
- Cash or cash equivalents (i.e. gifts cards).
- Any gifts given or accepted or any entertainment provided during a bidding process.
- Any gifts that are or could be illegal.
- Any gifts or entertainment that is solicited.
- Any entertainment that would violate other sections of the Code.
- Contributions to personal charitable causes.
There is an exception for a trivial benefit that does not exceed the value of fifty dollars ($60.00) as long as there is no substantial risk of undermining official impartiality. (See Idaho Code § 18-1356 Gifts to Public Servants by Persons Subject to Their Jurisdiction, and § 18-1359 Using Public Position for Personal Gain). A trivial benefit is a small and insignificant gift or benefit given to an employee by their employer that has a value of no more than $60.00.
A trivial benefit is not cash or a voucher, and is not given as part of a contractual obligation, such as a bonus or performance-related reward. The benefit is also expected to be infrequent, irregular and not part of a pattern of benefits. The purpose of this exemption is to reduce the administrative burden on employers when providing minor benefits to their employees and to ensure that they are not taxed as additional income. The following are considered trivial benefit gifts and entertainment and may be accepted as long as such acceptance is permitted under applicable law:
- Gifts that are promotional/branded company giveaways of nominal value (i.e. less than $50).
- Mementos or other similar awards provided or paid for by vendors or service providers as recognition for service on a particular matter.
- Perishable gifts (i.e. meals) that are impractical to return and are of nominal value (i.e. less than $50) if they are distributed to CEI employees.
- Local travel to a vendor’s place of business as long as the value of the travel is reasonable and the vendor’s place of business cannot be reached by major forms of transportation.
Confidential Information
The protection of confidential information is vital to the interests and success of College of Eastern Idaho. Confidential information is any information disclosed to or known by you because of employment with CEI that is not generally known to people outside of CEI.
CEI faculty and staff with access to student academic and/or personal records (electronic or paper-based) are responsible under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to protect the privacy of these records.
An employee who improperly uses or discloses confidential information will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and legal action, even if he or she does not actually benefit from the disclosed information.
All inquiries from the media must be referred to the director of communications and marketing.
This provision is not intended to, and should not be interpreted to, prohibit employees from discussing other terms and conditions of employment if they so choose.