301.1 Policy
Members of the CEI community affirm that academic freedom is essential for the protection of the rights of faculty, staff, administrators, and students. Within the context of its mission and values, CEI adheres to the principles of academic freedom and independence that protect its constituencies from inappropriate internal and external influences, pressures, and harassment.
301.2 Procedure
CEI defines and actively promotes an environment that supports independent thought in the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. It affirms the freedom of faculty, staff, administrators, and students to share theri scholarship and reasoned conclusions with others. While the institution and individuals within the institution may hold to a particular personal, social, or religious philosophy, its constituencies are intellectually free to test and examine all knowledge and theories, thought, reason, and perspectives of trurth. Individuals within the institution allow others the freedom to do the same. Faculty, staff, and administrators are protected by the grievance process (Policy 106: Grievances) and students are protected by the Student Code of Conduct (Procedure 907).
CEI instructors are entitled to such academic freedom in the classroom. Academic freedom carries with it responsibilities that are parallel to the rights enjoyed. Specifically, faculty are entitled to academic freedom in the classroom but must avoid introducing material that is not appropriate to the subject being taught. Further, as members of an academic community, faculty, staff, administrators, and students have an obligation to respect the dignity of others, to affirm the rights of others to express contrary opinions, and to foster and defend honesty in intellectual inquiry.
Faculty, staff, administrators, and students also enjoy freedom of expression when they write or speak as private citizens. (Policy 115: Crisis Management Communications and Policy 117: Public Relations explain who may represent the College.) As recognized members of an academic community, they should strive for accuracy, exercise appropriate restraint, and make clear that they do not speak on behalf of the college. Faculty are entitled to academic freedom in research, course development, and other activities related to their assignment. Research, consulting for profit, or developing course materials for potential monetary gain must be consistent with established written policies of the institution and the State Board of Education.
Use of college resources for personal gain or for activities outside the scope of assigned duties is prohibited.