President’s Advisory Council (PAC):
President, Vice President of Finance and Administration, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Executive Director of Human Resources, Executive Director of Workforce Training and Continuing Education, and Executive Assistant to the President and Board Liaison.
Vice President’s Council (VPC):
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Librarian, Registrar, Director of Online Learning, Dean of Career and Technical Education, Dean of General Education, Pathway Coordinator, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and ALO, Director of College and Career Readiness, Dean of Student Affairs, Director of Early College, and Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
Executive Council (EC):
President, Vice President of Finance and Administration, Director of Communications and Marketing, Director of CEI Foundation, Controller, Director of Enterprise Applications, Registrar, Executive Director of Workforce Training and Continuing Education, Director of Financial Aid, Foreman, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Librarian, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of Career and Technical Education, Dean of General Education, Division Manager for College and Career Readiness, Coordinator of Center for New Directions, Executive Director of Human Resources, Director of Strategic Partners, Director of Online Learning Services, Director of Early College, Faculty Senate Representative, and Executive Assistant and Board Liaison.
Academic Standards Committee (ASC):
Academic Deans, Department Chairs, Division Managers, Director of CCR, designated faculty senate representative, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Dean of Student Affairs, representation from IT, Director of Online Learning, Director of Early College, Registrar, Scheduler, Director of Tutoring Center, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Librarian, Representative from Workforce Training and Continuing Education, and Administrative Assistant to the Deans of Gen Ed and CTE.
Accreditation Committee:
Consists of college leadership, faculty and key staff positions.
Consists of leadership from Academic and Student Affairs, IT, Online Learning, Marketing, Workforce Training and Continuing Education, and representation from the various outreach centers.