
The AT program is designed to give students the knowledge and practical hands-on experience to meet the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification standards. All instructors are ASE certified. CEI has adopted the nine ASE areas (Automobile and Light Truck A1-A9) as the guidelines for its curriculum. To meet the ASE certification standards, students receive classroom instruction, troubleshoot and perform repairs on training modules, as well as diagnosing and repairing actual vehicles on in the shop.

Automotive students spend approximately two hours per day in the classroom completing the theory portion of the courses, developing reasoning, understanding concepts, and learning the why and how of AT. Students gain practical knowledge and experience by spending approximately 4 ½ hours per day completing hands-on training in labs, developing the necessary skills a technician needs to repair, service, and overhaul a variety of vehicles and machines. It all comes together throughout the programs as students build their mechanical aptitudes, increase their computer and math skills, and develop and use complex problem-solving skills to perform routine maintenance and diagnostic repairs.

Program Options

  1. Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
    69 credit | 4 semester program (29 months) | Includes general education courses
    The AT program recommends students take their general education courses before they start, after they complete the program, or during the summer
  2. Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC)
    54 credit | 4 semester program (24 months) | Does not include general education courses
  3. Intermediate Technical Certificate (ITC)
    30 credit | 2 semester program (12 months) | Does not include general education courses

This program may be right for you if you

  • Strong work ethic
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Strong technical skills with the ability to research specific challenges
  • Leadership and communications skills
  • Safety orientation
  • Customer service orientation

What do our students learn?

  • Vehicle electrical systems and subsystems diagnosis and repair A6*
  • Proper safety, maintenance, testing, and repair of automotive HVAC systems A7*
  • Automotive engine performance diagnosis, inspection, adjustment, and repair using service information A8*
  • Diagnosis and repair of typical modern automobiles
  • All five remaining ASE areas of repair: Engine repair A1, Automatic transmissions A2, Clutches, manual transmissions drive lines, differential assemblies and transaxles A3, Steering and suspension A4, Brake systems A5*

*Refers to ASE (Automotive Service Excellence certifications).

Why CEI's Automotive program?

  • Affordable
  • 10:1 Student-to-teacher ratio
  • Learn in a live shop
  • ASE Master-certified instructors
  • 1200 hours of experience

Where are our Graduates Working?

The knowledge and hands-on experience students receive in this program prepares them to work in a large
variety of facilities, including:

  • Large and small dealerships
  • Auto part dealers
  • National and local automotive chains
  • Transmission and specialty shops
  • State and federal transportation departments
  • Service stations
  • Truck stops
  • Semi-truck and farm equipment dealers


97.78% - Average placement for graduates over the past five years



The Automotive Technology program is a competitive entry program. Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance into the program. There is no waiting list for this program and applicants must reapply each semester. Students wanting to apply for a degree seeking program at the College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) must submit all of the following application materials for review:

  • Application for admission
  • Official High School/GED transcript
  • Official Transcripts from ALL colleges attended
  • Work Observation 
  • Cover Letter and Resume
  • Complete Professional Program Agreement
  • Digital Literacy Test

Complete Classes in Sequence: Classes in the AT program are progressive and designed to be completed in a specific sequence and order. Students must complete all semester 1 classes before taking semester 2 classes, etc.

Pass Classes: Once accepted into a program, students must pass their program-specific courses with a minimum grade of C (75%) or higher AND in the sequence outlined, BEFORE continuing to the next

Proficiency Exam: Expectant graduates may be required to sit for proficiency exams at the conclusion of their program. IF required, information regarding costs and dates for the exams will be posted in the online catalog and will be available from program instructor(s).

Course Curriculum

Automotive Technology (AAS)

69 Credits | Financial Aid Eligible | Includes General Education Courses

Semester 1

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 133Manual Drive-Train2
ASE 114Engine Repair3
ASE 173Auto/Diesel Basic HVAC2
ASE 164Intro to Electrical1
ASE 165Electrical Systems3
MTD 103 Auto/Diesel Tech
Fundamentals & Safety
MTD 110Mechanics Technical Math2

Semester 2

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 102Workplace Technical Skills3
ASE 103Automotive Theory I6
ASE 103LAutomotive Lab I6

Semester 3

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 203Automotive Theory II6
ASE 203LAutomotive Lab II6

Semester 4

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 204Automotive Theory III6
ASE 204LAutomotive Lab III6

Required General Edu Courses For AAS

It is recommended to take these courses before or after the
the program, not during.

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
GEM Any GEM Elective Course*3
COMM 101Fundamentals of Oral Communication*3
ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I*3
MATH 123Mathematics in Modern Society*3
Choose one of the following:
PHYC 101 Introduction to Psychology*3
SOC 101Introduction to Sociology*3

Automotive Technology (ATC)

54 Credits | Financial Aid Eligible | Includes General Education Courses

Semester 1

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 133Manual Drive-Train2
ASE 114Engine Repair3
ASE 173Auto/Diesel Basic HVAC2
ASE 164Intro to Electrical1
ASE 165Electrical Systems3
MTD 103 Auto/Diesel Tech
Fundamentals & Safety
MTD 110Mechanics Technical Math2

Semester 2

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 102Workplace Technical Skills3
ASE 103Automotive Theory I6
ASE 103LAutomotive Lab I6

Semester 3

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 203Automotive Theory II6
ASE 203LAutomotive Lab II6

Semester 4

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 204Automotive Theory III6
ASE 204LAutomotive Lab III6

Automotive Technology (ITC)

30 Credits | Financial Aid Eligible | Includes General Education Courses

Semester 1

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 133Manual Drive-Train2
ASE 114Engine Repair3
ASE 173Auto/Diesel Basic HVAC2
ASE 164Intro to Electrical1
ASE 165Electrical Systems3
MTD 103 Auto/Diesel Tech
Fundamentals & Safety
MTD 110Mechanics Technical Math2

Semester 2

Course PrefixCourse TitleCredits
ASE 102Workplace Technical Skills3
ASE 103Automotive Theory I6
ASE 103LAutomotive Lab I6


The following is a generic list of the tools required for the automotive program. It is important that students begin their professional repair career by purchasing “professional mechanic grade tools”. Questions regarding the suitability of specific tools should be directed to your individual instructor.

First Year

At a minimum, each FIRST year student will need the following:

  • Safety glasses/goggles
  • Four drawer tool cart with locking device and key (*)
  • 1/4” Drive socket set consisting of the following:
    • 6 point Metric shallow and deep well: 4mm-15mm
    • Extensions 2”, 6” and 10”
    • Ratchet 45 tooth, 5” long reversible (*)
    • 1/4” drive universal
    • 1/4” drive nut driver handle
  • 3/8” Drive socket set, consisting of the following:
    • Spark Plug sockets 9/16, 5/8, and 13/16
    • 6 point shallow and deep well metric sockets 8mm thru 21mm
    • Flex sockets: 10mm, 11mm, 12mm, 13mm, 14mm, 15mm, 16mm, 17mm, 18mm, and 19mm
    • Extensions 1”, 3”, 6”, 9”, 12” and 18”
    • 3/8” drive universal Ratchet 45 tooth, 8” long reversible (*)
  • 1/2” Drive socket set consisting of the following:
    • 6 point shallow and deep metric sockets: 10mm-27mm
    • Extensions 2, 3, 6, and 10”
    • Ratchet 45 tooth, 11” reversible; (*)
    • 1/2” Breaker bar/flex handle (16”minimum)
    • 1/2” drive universal
  • SAE and Metric combination wrenches in the following sizes; 1/4”-1 ¼” in 1/16th” increments and 7mm thru 27mm.
  • SAE and Metric Tubing/line wrenches 3/8” thru 13/16”and 9mm thru 24mm
  • Adjustable wrenches: 8” & 12”
  • Hammers:
    • Slim line compo thane hammer (*),
    • Dead blow head (1-1/2 # 12” handle)
    • 3# Sledge Hammer (*)
    • 16 oz. Ball peen
  • Pliers:
    • 6” combination slip-joint pliers: 1” maximum jaw opening, 1-1/4” jaw throat depth (*);
    • 7”diagonal cutting pliers (side cutter), rubber grips (*);
    • 7” needle nose pliers with rubber grip, 2-5/8 jaw depth (*);
    • 10” Rib lock pliers (water pump) 5adjustment, 1-1/2” capacity (*);
    • 10” lever jaw wrench pliers (vise grip) 2 straight jaws (*)
    • 6” lever jaw wrench pliers (vise grip) 2 curved jaws (*)
    • 6” lever jaw needle nose pliers (vise grip) (*)
    • Wire stripper/crimper tool
  • Screwdrivers with shatterproof handles:
    • Flat blade: 6” round shank, 4” square shank, 6” square shank, 1-3/4” stubby, 1/8 x 2” pocket
    • Phillips: #1 3” long, #2 6” long, #2 stubby
    • Torx screwdrivers (T8-T40)
  • Torx bit sockets,:
    • T6 – T60
    • E4 – E18
  • Hex key sets 1/16” thru 3/8” and 1.5mm thru 10mm
  • Chisels and Punches:
    • Cold chisels: 7/16 x 5-1/2” 5/8 x 6-1/2”;
    • Pin punches 1/8, x 4-7/8, 5/32 x 5-1/8, 1/4 x 5-7/8, 5/16 x 1;
    • Center punch 3/8 x 1
  • Flat file- 10” mill bastard, with shatter-proof handle
  • Torque Wrenches:
    • 3/8 dr. 5-75 ft-lbs
    • 1/2” drive 25-250 ft-lbs
  • Prybars:
    • 15” pry bar (lady slipper or rolling head style)
    • 12” pry bar with shatter proof handle
    • 18” pry bar with shatter proof handle
    • 24” pry bar with shatter proof handle
    • 36” pry bar with shatterproof handle
  • Fluke Meter MT 87 (*)
  • Master feeler gauge from .0015’ to .035: 25 blades approximately 3-5/16 x 1/2” and Brass feeler gauges .008” - .035”
  • Deluxe adjustable hacksaw, 12” blade minimum
  • Oil filter wrenches or belt type (*)
  • Continuity test light, 12 volt with 2’ lead and alligator ground clamp (*)
  • Gasket Scraper
  • Magnetic pick up tool
  • 4 piece pick set
  • Air blow gun-lever type safety blow gun, with rubber tipped nozzle
  • Tire inflator
  • Mechanics Mirror
  • Drop light/flashlight (corded or cordless)
  • Spark plug gapping tool
  • Battery service tool kit
  • 0-6” dial caliper
  • 10 ft. Steel tape rule, with locking blades and automatic rewind, at least 1/2” wide (*)
  • Wire brush (handheld) 10” long wood handle(*)

Second Year

Suggested tool list for SECOND year (Optional):

  • 45”x 38”x 22” roll-away with 5” casters, complete with locking device and key (*)
  • 22” x 38” x 22” Top box tool chest with locking device and key (*)
  • 1/4” socket set consisting of the following: 6 and 12 point SAE shallow and deep well: 3/16-9/16, 12 point Metric shallow and deep well: 4mm-15mm
  • 3/8” socket set, consisting of the following: 6and 12 point shallow and deep well sockets: 5/16”-1” in 16th increments, 3/8” 12 point shallow and deep well metric sockets 8mm thru 21mm
  • 3/8” SAE impact socket 6 point 5/16” thru 1”, metric impact socket set 6 point 8mm thru 21mm
  • 3/8” wobble impact socket sets in both SAE and Metric sizes 3/8 to 3/4 and 10mm to 19mm
  • 3/8” impact extensions 3”, 6” and 12”
  • 3/8” and 1/2” drive impact universals
  • 3/8” to 1/2” impact adapter
  • 1/2” socket set consisting of the following: 6 and 12 point shallow and deep well SAE sockets: 7/16”- 1 1/4 “, 12 point shallow and deep metric sockets: 10mm-27mm
  • 1/2” SAE impact socket set 6 point 7/16 thru 1 1/4, metric impact socket 6 point 10mm thru 27mm
  • 1/2” impact extensions 3”,6” and 12”
  • 1/2”Drive 24” long breaker bar
  • 1/2” to 3/8” impact adapter
  • Impact axle nut sockets 28-36 mm
  • 4X4 axle nut sockets
  • O2 sensor socket set
  • Air Hammer
  • Air Hammer assorted chisel/punch attachments
  • Pickle Fork/ Taper Breaker
  • 1/2” air and/or cordless impact wrench minimum 750 ft-lbs. Torque at 90 PSI
  • 3/8” air and/or cordless ratchet
  • 3/8” air and/or cordless pistol grip impact
  • Corded/cordless/air 3/8” chuck drill and drill bits thru ½ inch
  • Impact Driver
  • Metric & SAE combination Gear Wrench sets(3/8”-3/4”, 8mm-25mm)
  • OBD II code reader (*)
  • 0-1” micrometer (*)
  • Gear puller set
  • Universal harmonic balancer puller (*)
  • Pitman Arm Puller
  • Snap ring plier set (internal and external)
  • Compression tester ( “LDD” with adapters for diesel engines *)
  • Spark tester (adjustable gap)
  • Vacuum tester/brake bleeder kit (hand pump type)
  • Brake tool set (spring release/install tools and spoons)
  • Brake Caliper Piston Compressor
  • Adjustable mirror with light
  • Tap and die set standard and metric
  • Bolt extractors
  • Serpentine belt installation tool
  • AC/Fuel line disconnect set
  • Line clamp set
  • Fuel pressure gauge
  • Radiator pressure tester