Promineo Front End Software Developer
Guided by industry-leading instructors and mentors, you’ll learn how to think strategically and design intuitively in this 18-week bootcamp. You’ll gain hands-on experience creating stunning and functional web applications making you job-ready and prepared to make your digital mark.
Learners should visit before registration to take the course assessment and schedule time with Promineo Tech’s dedicated student advisor.
Students learn the skills and technologies necessary to enter the industry as a Front End Software Developer. This bootcamp is divided into 3 courses:
Introduction to JavaScript Weeks 1-6
Front End Technologies Weeks 7-13
Web App Design with React Weeks 13-18
Potential career paths include but are not limited to Application Developer, Software Developer I, Java Developer, and Software Developer. Students who successfully complete will be awarded a SkillStack badge. For more information, please see
No prior experience needed. Financing available through Climb Credit.