Policy 214: Purchasing and Procurement
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 09/24/2024
214.1 Policy
Efficient and cost-effective procurement of goods, services, and public works construction is an important aspect of local government operations. CEI will purchase goods, services, and public works construction through a publicly accountable process that respects the shared goals of economy…
More DetailsPolicy 215: Purchasing Card
Policy Category: Administration, Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 03/10/2025
215.1 Policy
This Purchasing Card Program is designed to establish a more efficient, cost-effective method of purchasing and paying for approved small-dollar transactions. College of Eastern Idaho purchasing cards may only be used for College business transactions and College purchases of less than $2,000…
More DetailsPolicy 232: Grant Administration
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: Faculty / Staff / Students / Volunteers
Approved: 04/25/2023
232.1 Policy
College of Eastern Idaho encourages faculty and staff to seek additional funding in the form of grants from federal, state, and local governmental agencies, business organizations, and private foundations provided the project is within the scope of the mission of the department and college.
Each Department seeking a grant shall provide advance notice to the appropriate authorities (Director of…
More DetailsPolicy 403: Debt Management
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: Faculty / Staff / Students / Volunteers
Approved: 03/28/2023
403.1 Policy
The College of Eastern Idaho may make strategic capital investments in its facilities to fulfill its mission. Funding may come from various sources, including state appropriations, internal reserves, philanthropic donations, and debt proceeds, and will be managed judiciously by senior management and the Board of Trustees. The framework and procedures associated with this policy will govern debt management,…
More DetailsPolicy 404: Risk Management
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: Faculty / Staff / Students / Volunteers
Approved: 03/28/2023
404.1 Policy
College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) maintains a systematic, organization-wide approach for identifying, assessing, and managing risks and opportunities. Risk management protects the College’s ability to meet its strategic, operational, and financial goals; preserve its reputation for excellence; and protect its students, employees, and visitors.
404.2 Procedure
The College recognizes that…
More DetailsPolicy 409: Gift Acceptance
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees and Students
Approved: 11/04/2019
409.1 Policy
This policy is designed to assure that all gifts, to, or for the use of, College of Eastern Idaho are structured to benefit the college while ensuring fidelity to donor intent. Gifts may be accepted from both individual and organizational donors. Organizational donors include partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities. College of Eastern Idaho and the CEI Foundation…
More DetailsPolicy 410: Vehicle Donations
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 10/24/2019
410.1 Policy
College of Eastern Idaho and its Foundation will accept licensable vehicle and off-road equipment donations, as approved by the administration and division manager. The college and its Foundation maintain the right to refuse donations for any reason including, wrecked, untitled, or undeliverable vehicles.
410.2 Procedures
More DetailsPolicy 411: Travel Policy
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: Faculty / Staff / Students / Trustees and Specific other Non-Employees
Approved: 02/22/2022
More DetailsPolicy 412: Gift Cards, Gift Certificates, Other Prizes, and Awards
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees/Students
Approved: 10/22/2024
This policy ensures compliance with the College of Eastern Idaho’s (CEI) tax withholding and reporting obligations for the purchase and distribution of gift cards, gift certificates, and other prizes and awards. IRS regulations dictate that cash and cash equivalent fringe benefits, such as gift cards and gift certificates, have a readily…
More DetailsPolicy 413: Standardization of Goods and Equipment
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 09/24/2024
Standardization in goods and equipment minimizes overall costs to the College, facilitates resource sharing, and fosters continuity across the campus. In collaboration with department leaders, the Procurement Department identifies standards for certain goods, equipment, and services that comply with the standardization policy. …
More DetailsPolicy 415: Sales Tax
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 10/22/2024
College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) is a non-profit college. As such, CEI is registered with the Idaho Tax Commission for sales tax exemption. CEI also participates in transactions that require sales tax collection. This policy is to align with the Idaho State Tax Commission, guiding sales tax-exempt purchases made with CEI…
More DetailsPolicy 417: Weapons on Campus
Policy Category: Personnel, Student Affairs, Business Operations
Covered Individuals: Faculty / Staff / Students / Volunteers
Approved: 10/25/2022
417.1 POLICY
No person shall…
More DetailsProcedure 900: Access Control
Policy Category: Facilities, Business Operations, Personnel, Student Affairs
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 12/09/2024
900.1 Purpose
To enhance security in its buildings, the College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) controls access to all buildings by limiting and controlling the use and function of electronic access and keys issued to faculty, staff, students, contractors, and outside vendors.…
Procedure 904: Independent Contractor
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 06/29/2020
Many College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) departments employ the services of individual(s) to perform varying services. These arrangements often raise questions about the status of the individual. Classification is critical to ensure the proper withholding of income, Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment taxes.
The classification of individuals as independent contractors or employees has…
More DetailsProcedure 913: Lease Accounting
Policy Category: Business Operations
Covered Individuals: All CEI Employees
Approved: 10/12/2022
913.1 Lease Accounting Procedure General Statement:
This procedure is to recognize and adopt the accounting and reporting requirements contained in Government Accounting Standards Board 87 (GASB 87) which identifies the required reporting and notes disclosure standards to be applied in the annual audited financial statements. The accompanying procedures details the required information to be reported including the…
More Details