200.1 Policy
The College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) maintains a 40-hour standard work week for most full-time employees. CEI employees are required to report to work at the prescribed time, pursuant to the terms set forth in this policy and as approved by their immediate supervisor. CEI’s standard workweek begins at 12:01 am on Sunday and ends at midnight on the following Saturday.
200.2 Procedures
The standard work schedule for most employees is a 40-hour week consisting of five consecutive workdays: normally Monday through Friday. The college business hours for staff employees is generally 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with one hour for lunch. Work schedule variations within departments may occur with administrative approval. The college observes specific holidays each year consistent with most state approved holidays. Variations from the normal schedule may occur with prior administrative approval as some assignments may require activities, which occur outside the standard workday or week. CEI classes and related activities are scheduled from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and may include weekend responsibilities. Any permanent variations of the work schedule must be reported to the Human Resources Department.
Faculty, division managers, and deans establish work schedules based on teaching assignments and assigned responsibilities prior to each semester.
CEI does not tolerate unexcused absenteeism. Employees who will be late or absent from work should notify their immediate supervisor by phone call at least one hour in advance, or as soon as feasible in the event of an emergency. If the immediate supervisor does not answer the phone call, the employee should attempt to leave a voicemail before using other methods of communication such as texting or email. Failure to follow the aforementioned notification procedure and/or chronic absenteeism may result in disciplinary action.
Full-time employees are entitled to a 60-minute unpaid meal break each day. If a non-exempt employee is required to work through the meal break, he or she will be paid for the time worked. Employees may take up to a 15-minute break within each 4-hour work period. Breaks should be taken at a time when it is convenient to both the supervisor and the employee and should not disrupt the regular business of the day. Breaks not taken are lost, and may not be accumulated for a prolonged time-off period. Employees who believe they are not allowed to take meal and/or break periods should contact the Human Resources office.